Tuesday, October 14, 2014

The End of the Beginning...

     It's hard to believe that we are here at the end of the beginning!!!  Within the next week, you should have Metamorphosis cradled in your hands while you snuggle up in your favorite reading spot.  I can't wait to hear what your favorite parts are!! 
    Well, let's get to it.  Here's the last teaser for Metamorphosis.  Enjoy!!

“What’s an avalanche?” I start to ask, but then, the wave of snow headed our direction comes into to view.

“Run!” Jey screams, pushing me into motion.  “Run and don’t look back!”

Digging deep, I push my strained muscles, daring them to give out on me now.  The once quiet rumble is now a deafening roar, accented only by the sound of cracking trees as it levels the landscape behind us.  In the distance, I spot the end of the ravine we’re in.  If we can make it there, the snow will spill out sideways instead of being caged in one direction.  That is our only chance.

I quickly glance in Jey’s direction.  He’s right behind me, legs and arms pumping at full speed through the snow.  I would try to tell him my plans, but I don’t think he’d hear over the rushing snow. 

Pretty soon, I can feel the ground shaking underneath my feet.  The snow starts to shift and slither underneath my feet.  I scramble to keep myself upright.  A few more minutes will find Jey and I buried alive.

We reach the edge of the ravine when the snow catches us.  It flies upwards and outward as it breaches the confines of the mountains, flinging a massive wave of snow everywhere.  I barely have time to cover my face before it drenches me, like white powdered rain.  Suddenly, I immersed, encased in a tomb of freezing cold snow. 
     Brrrrr!!!  I guess I'm subconsciously already getting ready for winter.  Have a good week guys and Happy Reading!!  Next time I post, you will have a link to Metamorphosis!!

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