Wednesday, October 22, 2014

Metamorphosis is LIVE!!!!

     Woooooohooooooo!!!  Metamorphosis is live!  This has been an amazing journey and I'm so glad to finally be able to share it with you.  Get ready for Skyla and Jey to take you on a heart stopping adventure.  I laughed, I cried and, at some points, I was literally on the edge of my seat.  I hope you enjoy reading Metamorphosis as much I enjoyed writing it. 

     Don't forget to go to my Goodreads page or my Facebook page and let me know what you thought of the book.  And if you love it, do me a favor and share it with everyone you know!!  I'm going to post links below for all kinds of stuff so pay close attention. 

Here is the link for Metamorphosis on Amazon:

Here is the link to my Facebook Author page.  If you haven't liked it yet, don't wait another minute!  I post all my latest info on Facebook.

Here is the link to my Goodreads Author page.  If you want to see what I'm reading or what I've read.  Here's the place to do it!!

If you are a Twitter junkie, you can follow me on Twitter.

    I'm currently working on getting the Nook versions and the hard copies formatted for sale.  I will post again when those are live.  In the meantime, I'm off to a signing this weekend in Rockford.  Here's the link for info on when and where.

    Happy Reading!!  I'm off to start Book 3!!!!


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