Monday, April 29, 2013

To Glide Or Not To Glide? That Is The Question, Right?


So, let's recap.  We've met Skyla.  We've met Ranger.  We've tasted a little danger.  Now, let's have a little fun...hehehehehe.  Let's glide!!  Glide?  What's that you say?  Well, it's only one of my favorite things in this book!  It's kind of a cross between surfing and sky diving. It's also one of Skyla's favorite things to do and something that I would only do if if my life depended on it (or if chocolate was involved...lots of chocolate).                
          This is actually the scene which started my vision for this whole story. I won't be sharing the whole scene, just a small piece of it, but I hope you enjoy it as much as I do!!
          That being said, I give you week five's snippet!

            I hit the edge first, anxious to feel the wind in my hair.  Staring out into the open air sends a trickle of anticipation through my veins.  All I can see for miles is endless sky.  White clouds powder the horizon beyond the Zap Net.  I can hear them sizzle and pop as they come into contact with the electric field, vanishing into thin air as they are converted to oxygen.  I breathe in deeply.  Somehow, the air is just better out here in the open.  

Ranger stares at me while I continue my little breathing ritual.  Shaking his head, he bends down and begins unpacking his glider beside me. 

“We’ll be here all day if you keep doing that.”

I exhale sharply and shoot him a stern glance.

“What,” he mutters, shrugging his shoulders.  An amused smile curls up one side of his lips.  “It’s true.”

I roll my eyes and set my glider on the ground beside me.  Unhooking the rough leather straps, I pull the machinery out into the open.  The metal links clank loudly as they spread, overlapping each other until they form a small crescent shaped board, just large enough to hold one person.  Directly in the center lies a small hole where a long t-shaped handle connects.  Shoving the pole into it with a click, I tug on it to make sure it’s secure. 

Ranger helps me complete the process, stretching the rough, ivory colored canvas sail across the hooks on my pole and checking the engine to make sure it’s functioning properly.  The steady hum of gears lets me know it’s ready.

My heart whirls with excitement as I glide my hand over the sail’s rough material, feeling the texture of the cloth beneath my fingers.  Anxious, I rush to the board, placing my feet on either side of the platform.  Touching the sail’s handle, I let the cool metal kiss my palms.  My blood pumps wildly, like a fever running through my veins, as I peer over the Edge and then let my board slip over into the endless sky.

“Hey wait for me,” Ranger calls from behind, but I am already gone.

The first plunge is always the best.  My stomach drops at the sudden rush, sending small icy shivers through my body.  The wind rips through my hair as I plummet, tossing it back and forth like a feather.  The sail flaps madly, snapping and bucking against the rush of air.  Pure adrenaline pumps through my veins. 

I am alive. 

I am free. 

I'm not really sure I would have the guts to go gliding in real life but man was it fun to write about it!  I hope you enjoyed this snippet.  See you next week!!


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