Monday, April 8, 2013

Will the real Skyla Deep please stand up...

            Let's be honest with one another.  A story can be amazing, but without awesome characters it's pretty much is a bust.  People move the story and the story moves the people.  You can't have one without the other, right?  Right! 
            That being said, I know you're going to love Skyla Deep.  She is my main character and the person whose point of view we see the story from.  I pretty much can sum her up in one word...AWESOME or maybe TENACIOUS or...  Okay, reality check!  Yeah, I'm probably not going to be able sum her up in one word.  I am a writer after all!!  So, I guess I'll just have to let you see for yourself. 
           Enjoy this small glimpse into the life of Skyla Deep.
            My name is Skyla Deep, at least that’s what they tell me.  I was left on an orphanage’s doorstep when I was a baby, abandoned by my parents to The System.  I’ve thought about it a lot over the years and I’m almost sure it was cold and dark, the sky completely starless, when it happened.  Somehow it seems that’s the way it should be when you’re being discarded. 
            Eleven years later, I’m still wondering what I did to make them hate me so much. 
            My life in the orphanage is pretty much a personalized hell.  Eat, obey, sleep and then wake up and do it all over again.  Don’t question the System.  The System is right.  The System is perfect.  End of story.
            As if that wasn’t enough, they also tag us…like animals.  At birth, they inject a tracking device in your shoulder, effectively putting you on the grid.  You can’t even pee without the System knowing where you are.  Creepy, right?  Even our free time, if you can call it that, is monitored by the wardens.  They are the Head Mistress’ evil spies who report even the slightest of infractions to her Royal Iciness.
            Things wouldn’t be so bad if I knew how to play the game, how to obey the rules, but I’m too stubborn.  Trouble always seems to find me, like it’s branded into my DNA, and when it does, there is no telling where it will lead me.
           And that's a wrap for this week!! Stop by next Tuesday for a brand new, tantalizing,  scrumptious snippet from my book!  Thanks for checking out my blog and feel free to share this with your book lovin' friends!